Getting Started Backpacking


Trust us, we understand your first backpacking trip is a daunting one and might even make you question if it’s a venture you're willing to take - don’t overthink it! Backpacking is simple and only requires a little research, some initial gear, and an understanding of basic safety knowledge. After that, it’s up to you (with some encouragement from us) to take on the trail and explore!



Step One

Selecting Your Trail

This step requires the most “considerations” and what you will want to noodle on the most. You’ll want to understand the limits of you & your hiking partner before agreeing on the right trek. We’ll cover some key factors in the link below with some reoccurring themes including mileage, incline, water sources, and the ability to read a trail map (can’t rely on your phone for this one!). We have broken down what we do when selecting a trail to help you in your search.


basic safety tips

Let’s start by telling your roommate (or at least Mom) where you are headed and how long you'll be gone. Backpacking safety is something to take seriously and each trek will bring on a different kind of safety threat. At the end of the day, we don’t let that stop us and have found we feel safest when we stick to somewhat populated trails, pack pepper spray, and keep simple bear precautions in mind. You will hear us repeat this a lot throughout our articles - one of the most important backpacking safety precautions you can take is calling the ranger to learn current trail conditions and additional tips for your specific trek. We’ve captured the basic backpacking safety tips that will help keep you out of trouble.



Step Three

The packing list

Ah, the classic “but I don’t have the right stuff”. Yaya, we’ve heard it before and we’ve said the same thing. For Kate’s first backpacking trip, she used a pool floaty as a sleeping pad, rented a pack from the campus rec, and then bought a $10 sleeping bag from Walmart. It doesn't have to cost your paycheck to get outside, it just takes a little creativity. However, if you don't feel like sleeping on a pool floaty or want to know what else to pack, take a look at our all-encompassing Packing List. It will make sure you have everything you need (including some wine!).



Everyone’s favorite topic, FOOD! Food is fuel in backpacking so you’ll want to make sure you have the right stuff with hardy nutrients to carry you through. Start with the hot bar at your local grocery store or fast food joint to get some hot sauces, salt & pepper, and some other freebies to add all kinds of flavor. We’ll provide our go-to meals in the link below. Our first few trips, we made sure to pack extra (in case we got lost for days 😉). These days we are learning the art of portion control - it makes all the difference when it comes to the amount of weight you are willing to carry.



Step Five

Packing Your Pack

It takes a certain art (some creativity) to pack your backpack. We packed a few different ways before we each found what works best for us. First, take a look at what you have, and make sure they’re all essentials - your feet and hips will pay for that extra clean shirt you think you need. Starting at the bottom of your pack, store big and heavy items that you don't need readily available like your sleeping bag and mat. Then, work your way up with your lighter items and things you may need to grab easily. Our Packing Your Pack article will help you figure out what should go where!

Step Six 

Hitting The Trail - Just go for it! 

Here is where we say “rah-rah, you got this!!.” Once on the trail, you’ll have to depend on your knowledge of the previously mentioned backpacking steps and your inner gut to carry you through. Trust yourself to make the right game-time decisions and take the time to enjoy the great outdoors. Will your first trek be perfect? Heck no! But the mistakes you’ll make along the way will bring you memories for years to come. Just go for it!



Need some extra advice on Backpacking?

Our Lessons Learned are here to help you not make the same mistakes we did.  

Have specific questions about getting started backpacking?

Drop us a note below!